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Action Coalitions

Commitments Dashboard

Commitments2023 Survey2024 Survey

2024 Commitments Reporting Survey

2024 marks the year of continued commitments delivery and implementing the recommendations from the midpoint stocktaking in the 2023 Accountability Report and the six Case Studies.

As it has been practice, the 2024 Accountability Report will be grounded in the data provided by all Action Coalition Commitment Makers through the Commitments Reporting Survey. Everyone is encouraged to report on progress made in the implementation of the commitments.

This year, the 2024 Commitments Reporting Survey launches on Wednesday 17 April 2024. The survey will be open to all Commitment Makers for one month, until Thursday, May 30, 2024 and will be made available in English, French and Spanish.

Why reporting matters

This annual monitoring of progress by UN Women is a critical tool for showcasing the work we individually and collectively are doing to accelerate progress on gender equality and to support collective accountability to our shared vision for Generation Equality. Further details can be found here: PowerPoint Presentation (

Technical support

For queries or concerns you may have during the duration of the survey period, please reach out to

You may also reach out to your peers in your networks and form peer-to-peer learning sessions to discuss individual questions or leverage the experience of others for your reporting.

2024 Commitments Reporting Survey Launch – Survey Walk Through
FAQs for the Commitments Survey
Save as PDF

The purpose of this survey is to capture progress made by Commitment Makers in the implementation of their Generation Equality commitments. The information collected through this exercise will inform the 2024 Accountability Report and contribute to the monitoring of progress towards commitments; and a better understanding of whether, how, and why commitments are accelerating progress towards gender equality, for women and girls in all their diversity.

If your organisation made a commitment or multiple commitments, the survey was sent to the relevant focal point within your organisation, based on the information UN Women has on file. This focal point might share the link with colleagues within the organization to respond to specific commitments or questions.

Please note that sharing the link with multiple focal points means everyone that receives the survey link can see and edit the responses already provided. Moreover, a survey link shared across one organisation can only be opened by one person at a time. If you require more than one survey link to ease coordination, please reach out to

We request that one focal point responds to the survey on behalf of each institution or organisation. Please note that you have access to the survey in Word and PDF to facilitate the coordination for organisations with multiple commitments. However, all answers must be recorded in the one survey link provided.

For an organisation with one commitment, the survey should take an average of 15 minutes to complete. Each additional commitment should add between three to five minutes. Please keep in mind that the time commitment for institutions or organisations with more than 10 commitments could be significant unless the survey is sent to multiple focal points.

Completion time for the survey is shorter for organisations that responded in 2023 because key data was verified last year and more questions could be pre-filled.

The deadline for filling out the survey is Thursday, May 30, 2024. Surveys received after this data may not be included in the final data analysis for the 2024 Accountability Report.

For data analysis and reporting production, UN Women will only consider data reported through this survey. They will not be included in the key headline statistics on progress, such as the percentage of commitments being implemented.

The survey will start with a pop up asking for the Focal Point’s email address. Please make sure to fill this form to enable the option to share a link with this email address to resume the survey.

All responses provided in the survey instrument are saved automatically and allow Focal Points to resume later. The Focal Point will receive periodic reminders until the survey is completed. After one clicks “Complete”, changes will no longer be possible. In exceptional circumstances, please contact UN Women to reopen the survey for you.

The survey allows for the focal point(s) to respond to all commitments in an efficient manner. The survey contains all commitments made by the organization as pre-filled information in a format that allows easy reporting. If it is challenging for one focal point to respond to all commitments, please reach out immediately to UN Women at and specify if survey links for specific commitments should be assigned to other focal points.

Yes, this survey captures the cumulative progress made in the implementation of your commitments since the Paris Generation Equality Forum in July 2021. Therefore, even if your organisation reported in 2022 and 2023, you should report again taking into account all achievements since July 2021. To shorten the response time, several questions are pre-filled with the data received in 2023.

Commitment Makers are encouraged to report results that have been achieved after your submission last year or results that you have been made aware of as they relate to the implementation of your commitment.

Yes, you will report on your progress via the survey annually. You should respond each year based on the scope and progress on implementation at the time of completing the survey.

Yes, all Commitment Makers that pledge to support a collective commitment should report on actions they have taken as part of that collective commitment. We thus encourage everyone to report on their contribution to the results achieved by joint/collective commitments. This also applies to collective commitments that have a designated secretariat or coordinator.

The survey is in part pre-filled with information contained in the organisation’s original commitment and using the 2023 responses. Please verify the data and make any necessary changes. If you would like to make additional changes not contained in the survey, please reach out to UN Women at

Data collected in this survey will be used to inform the 2024 annual Accountability Report. It will also be used to update the commitments dashboard.

To increase information sharing, transparency and replicability of the analysis, UN Women intends to make the data from the survey publicly available, unless an institution or organisation objects. If your organization objects to having its survey answers made public, this should be indicated in the relevant question in Section D of the survey. In case consent for data publication is denied, the submission will only be used in aggregated values and individual submission will not be made available in the survey dashboard (here the 2023 version).

The data submitted to this survey will not be validated through any additional processes by UN Women. Other organizations may in the future seek to verify the data reported in this survey.

To determine which Action Coalition should be your primary choice, organisations can think about the primary outcome that the commitment is trying to produce and map it to the Action Coalition theme list to find the closest match.

Subsequently, you can select additional Action Coalitions to which your commitment contributes.

The survey includes pre-filled information about commitments that are pledged as financial commitments. Contrary to 2022, you are not required to estimate the financial value of programmatic, policy or advocacy commitments.

The value of financial commitments considers the amount pledged, secured/allocated and spent between 2021 and 2026, which is the duration of Generation Equality.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights requires all peoples and all nations to universally protect fundamental human rights without any distinctions. Peoples or communities facing discrimination are considered marginalised, a concept aligned to the principle of leaving no one behind. The United Nations remains steadfast in ensuring that the Sustainable Development Goals are being implemented in accordance with international human rights law , putting equality and non-discrimination at the centre of the efforts. The principle “represents the unequivocal commitment of all UN Member States to eradicate poverty in all its forms, end discrimination and exclusion, and reduce the inequalities and vulnerabilities that leave people behind and undermine the potential of individuals and of humanity as a whole.”

The Generation Equality Action Coalitions represent a unique opportunity to make concrete change for millions of women and girls and accelerate results on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Commitment Makers form six powerful coalitions working towards this opportunity. More information can be found here.

Commitments are considered ‘on track’ if progression is well within the defined work plan. Commitments are ‘off-track’ if you experience significant delays or implementation has not started for various reasons. In both scenarios, you can describe in Section C the reason for your selection.

The 2024 Accountability Report provides evidence on how Generation Equality is accelerating achievement of gender equality and Women’s empowerment. In alignment with the Pact for the Future, the report will also focus on the effects of increasing conflicts and humanitarian crises. In light of the pushback on gender equality, involvement of men and boys will also be assessed. Systemic patriarchy refers to patriarchal structures, practices, institutions, and any structural incidence of patriarchy.

This survey is unable to capture the experiences of gender-diverse and non-binary individuals due to the lack of international standards for collecting and measuring gender identity data (UN Women, 2018).

Please email the Generation Equality Coordination Hub at should you have any questions and/or need assistance.